

TECC english conversation club 資料請求 / 無料体験レッスン サイトマップ 個人情報保護方針
  • テック英会話
  • 資料請求 / 無料体験レッスン

英会話講師メッセージ 2013月07月


名古屋大学 Ainur <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン スカイプレッスン>

If you want to constantly improve your English whatever you learn during lesson. Please practice it immediately with a teacher or with your English speaking friends. Please have time to review it again and again. Then try to use it. It goes to deep memory only if you practice, revise and use it.


京都大学 Mona <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン スカイプレッスン>

In order to get a good command of English you should put less emphasis on pronunciation and correctness of phrase and more on the ability to communicate ideas. I think there are many chances to use English in Japan. Use every opportunity that comes your way.



埼玉大学 Natalia <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン スカイプレッスン>

My main interest, for a long time, has been the Japanese language and culture. I have a real passion for the Japanese language and way of life and love living in this amazing country. I am also interested in the Portuguese language and culture. I love Capoeira (Brazilian martial art) and Surfing. Furthermore I have a love for my own language and really enjoy sharing it with students in Japan. I also really enjoy traveling and experiencing various cultures. I hope to be able to live and work in a number of different countries in the future. I love to read and relax in hot springs. Japanese ones are especially lovely.

大阪大学 Agnieszka <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン スカイプレッスン>

英語が上達するには、まず、英語で考える習慣を身につけることが重要だと思います。 自分に自信をもって、自分のペースで勉強してください。

The important thing to make progress in learning English is to try to think in English. Besides of that, just take your time and believe in yourself.


英国在住 Petya <英会話スカイプレッスン>

Even though I am in Japan since July I had many possibilities to speak and communicate in English with different Japanese people. My impression is that most of them are shy using their English knowledge because of pronunciation difficulties or are having fear of making mistakes. The struggle for speaking English as a second language is based mostly on psychological barriers than on linguistic difficulties. The task of the language teacher is to help the students to overcome these barriers.

筑波大学 Corina <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン スカイプレッスン>

When learning such a different language than your native one, it is important to be open to trying and learning from mistakes. Ideally, the first step is to find where the weak points are and deal with them through their improvement. By achieving this, you can build on the confidence of speaking in a second language. Moreover learning a foreign language is a continuous process and through a correct answer you never learn something new.



九州大学 Karen <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン スカイプレッスン>

I, the same as Japanese People, studied (and still study) English as a second language.

For making the learning process funnier and less stressful I recommend people to listen music, watch movies and sing in English. Most important of all, even though mistakes are made, people have to try to speak as much as possible in English and to surround themselves with an English environment. Practicing those methods, I think learning English should get easier, faster and successful.


以上のことをすれば、英語の勉強が簡単になり、勉強がうまくいくはずです。皆様 頑張って!!

千葉大学 Rocio <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン スカイプレッスン>

The best way to learn a language is practicing it as much as you can without being afraid of making mistakes. Remember that if we make mistakes, we are going to get better.



九州大学 Winston <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン スカイプレッスン>

Please do not be shy and try to speak English as much as you can. It is also a good idea not to be afraid to make mistakes when you are speaking English because when you make a mistake, it is also a good chance to improve your speaking skills. Do not hesitate to ask any question, even when the question could be very simple because this a good way to deal with your doubts. Another good advice is to read lauded in order to develop your pronunciation skills as well as to have a strong motivation related to be able to speak English.


東京大学 Amaya <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン スカイプレッスン>

Try to read more in English, starting from simple illustrated books. Because visual memory gives us the first step for discovering the way of learning English. Watch movies in English and with English subtitles/never Japanese subtitles/as much as you can. It helps you to improve your listening skill. If you're interested in music, listen to the song, try to catch the words and sing loudly/you can find the lyrics on the internet.

辞書を引きながら本を読むことは大事なんですが、一度覚えた言葉を出来るだけ早く身につけるように日常英会話に使って行きましょう。自分のdiary などを英語で書き始めましょう。お互いメールする時も英語を使っていけばだんだん楽しくなり英会話はできるようになります。皆様 頑張って下さい。


九州大学 Mariana <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン 英会話スカイプレッスン>

Learning a second language is never easy, even if the grammar is alike but if we really want to learn and we study with all the dedication required, we will succeed one day. That`s for sure. Be constant, responsible and dedicated.


千葉大 Jose <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン 英会話スカイプレッスン>

Practice, speak all you can. Reading books, newspapers, etc. Listening to songs and repeat at loud.

練習してたくさん話す。 本とか新聞など読む。音楽を聞きながら、大声で繰り返し話しすることです。


埼玉大学 Leonora <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン>

Speaking is very important when learning a new language. In Japan it is difficult to find the opportunity to practice English because everything is in Japanese. A fun way to learn is by watching movies and listening to music in English. It is very practical and good for improving listening abilities. You can also hear and repeat the words correcting your own pronunciation. By practicing everyday you will be able to learn quickly and speak in no time!


九州在住 Lani <英会話スカイプレッスン>

please don't give up. Learning will always be hard at first but once you get used to it and you keep on practicing, it will be as easy as ABC. Keep in mind the benefit and the usefulness it will give you in the process. Especially nowadays, the demand in English is so high that learning would really be a must.


千葉大学 Jeanette <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン>

Learning a language comes with usage. Use the language through writing, reading, listening and speaking. For example, you can write a blog, read a novel, listen to internet news, and speak to your friends all in English! From usage you will improve. Everyone good luck! Do something you enjoy and learning will be fun!


大阪大学 Ekaterine <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン スカイプレッスン>

Read it, listen to it, talk it. 読んで、聞いて、話してください。


神戸大学 Luminita <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン>

If you want to succeed, the only way is to keep on going. No matter how many mistakes you may make at first, you have to remember that if you don't let go, you'll succeed.

電機情報大学 Zahra <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン>



神戸大学 Joao <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン>

I believe that the secret to learn any language is practice and persistence.


名古屋大学 Zsolt <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン>

Besides concentrating on grammatically correct speaking, try to get rid of anxiety – the more and braver you use the foreign language, the more people try to understand you. You do not have to be afraid of grammatical mistakes, as after a while you will be able to concentrate on using correct grammar and wide vocabulary at the same time. If you want to express yourself in exact situations, memorizing samples could be very useful, but do not forget to collect a small additional vocabulary, which helps you broaden your speaking possibilities in unexpected change of the situation.


一ツ橋大学 Nak <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン スカイプレッスン>

English is not difficult if you are willing to learn it. The most important thing is practice and not to be afraid of making mistakes because even native speakers make mistakes. Making mistakes is the best way to learn a language.


一ツ橋大学 Anuja <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン スカイプレッスン>

In my lesson, I always let my students speak more than myself so that they would get opportunity to improve themselves as they have very limited opportunities to use English in Japan. You don't need to worry even if you cannot express yourself on the first days. After all, practice makes a man perfect.



東京芸大 Hanna <英会話ホームレッスン スカイプレッスン>

My advice would be to find something that helps you remember, whether it be writing in colors, putting words into formulas, speaking them out loud repeatedly etc. Students should try to find their own way of learning and try to use it. Also, regular practice is the key. Try to practice as much as you can, as often learning from conversation is far more effective than reading out of a text book.

一ツ橋大学 Kiana <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン スカイプレッスン>

Try not to fear speaking up even if you think you are making mistakes. Remember that it's by making mistakes that you learn how to succeed.

Try to think in English when you want to speak in English. Translating from your mother tongue is the worst method of learning a new language.


横浜国大 Oana <英会話ホームレッスン スカイプレッスン>

皆さん、こんにちは。来日してから、もう数年間経ったのですが、ずっと素晴らしい経験がいっぱいありました。日本人の英語力をもっと上達させることを楽しんだり、国際交流に興味を持ったりしますので、みんな知り合いになって、一緒に楽しんでいきましょう。よろしくお願いします。Hello everyone. I have been living in Japan for almost two years now and it has been amazing. I enjoy making Japanese people better English speakers and I am also very interested in multi-cultural exchange experiences, so I am really looking forward to meeting you and having the best time together.

京都大学 Craig



横浜国大 Mazsen <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン>

Better not to say "difficult" but to say "will try".


早稲田大学 Cristina <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン スカイプレッスン>

Speak in English as much as you can even if you find it difficult to find your words!

Don't be shy, the best way of learning is making mistakes:)

Watch movies in English, listen to music、read newspapers, magazines on topics you are interested in and you will make progress faster than you thought.

Start writing a blog in English!




九州大学 Neuleth <英会話ホームレッスン スカイプレッスン>

I believe that Japanese people can somehow understand English and some can speak good English. It's just that they don't have the confidence in speaking the language and that's where the struggle comes, if they just let themselves be exposed to the language, by continually practicing their English skills, I think they will be able to overcome this struggle. Practice speaking in English, don't just memorize it in your mind, say it. Find an outlet where you can practice your English, like TECC.

横浜国大 Jorge <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン>



東京大学 Nhikil <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン>


九州大学 Sharon <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン 電話レッスン>

Learning is an endless process and age (whether one is young or old) should not be a hindrance for this. This is applicable in our everyday lives and even in learning English.

If you have the interest to learn new things, especially English, it should be your best motivation to study the said language. Learning English doesn't only mean that you have to go to formal classes such as those held in classrooms. English can also be learned by reading English books/magazines/newspapers, watching English programs/shows and/or listening to English programs on the radio. I hope you'll enjoy learning English. Good luck!!


東京大学 Daniel <英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン>




東北大学 Iulia <英会話先生派遣 英会話企業派遣 ホームレッスン>




九州大学 Roberts <英会話先生派遣 英会話講師 企業派遣 ホームレッスン>

Practice! Practice makes perfection. Talk to native speakers and watch programs in English pay attention to their pronunciation, and; Open your mouth when you speak! For a proper pronunciation in English, it is important to articulate.

東京大学 Menandro <英会話先生派遣 英会話講師 企業派遣 ホームレッスン>

英語は日本語とはかなりの違いがあります。でも諦めては英語は学べません。誰もが英語を学べるのです。もちろん母国語が違っても。 話すことがとてもいい勉強になります。 そのためにはまずは英語を使ってみることです。日記を書いたり、洋楽を聞いたり、英字新聞や雑誌などを読んだり。英語の映画を字幕なしで見るのもとてもいいと思います。そうすれば、少しずつ英語能力はよくなっていきます。あなたが努力し継続し続けていたら、簡単に英語でのコミュニケーションがとれるようになるので心配しないでください。一緒にがんばりましょう。


一ツ橋大学 Steven <英会話先生派遣 英会話講師 企業派遣 ホームレッスン>



東京工業大学 Elnaz <英会話先生派遣 英会話講師 企業派遣 ホームレッスン>

現在、通信の発展に応じて英会話がもっと必要になってきている。殆どのインターネット又は原点が英語なので、英語が全ての研究分野に習う必要がある。世界中の人々がコミュニケーションをとるために共通言語の英語を習わないといけない。特に日本人は先進国として、英語をもっと習えば、世界中の国々とコミュニケーションをとるとともに、技術の発展を共有することが出来ると思っている。 日本の学校での英語教育が殆ど通訳なので、英会話があまり出来なくなっている。私翻訳だけではなく、読み書き能力を高めるとともに、会話と聴解力を上げるのは大事だと思っている。


京都大学 Malki <英会話先生派遣 英会話講師 企業派遣 ホームレッスン>


千葉大学 Natasha <英会話先生派遣 英会話講師 企業派遣 ホームレッスン>

The way I learned English is by listening to music in English and watching a lot of movies /TV series in English. I would recommend this to everyone who's learning English. English is not difficult and fun. Let's enjoy learning English together!

自分自身はたくさん英語での映画を見て、音楽を聴いて英語を学びました。映画と音楽は楽しいので、ぜひやってみてください。 英語は面白くて難しくはないのでぜひ英語勉強を一緒に楽しんでいただければと思います。


東工大 Navickas <英会話先生派遣 英会話講師 企業派遣>

Just try your best to speak and don’t worry about the mistakes you make. They will lead to improvement.


埼玉在住 Nisansala <英会話先生派遣 英会話 スカイプレッスン>

My advice is to use English as much as possible in daily interactions, always practice! Speak out. Don't be afraid of mistakes because they will only lead you to progress and gain more confidence. Be patient and enjoy the limit you can do while trying to improve yourself. Other than talking in English, it's useful to watch English movies/TV series, read English materials or listen to English songs which will help you to gain proper accent and new vocabulary.

私のアドバイスは、毎日の相互作用にできるだけ英語を使うことです. いつもの練習!間違いは気にしないでください。進行ともっと自信を得るためにつながるのです。英語で話している以外は、英語の映画/テレビを見たり、英語の資料を読んだり、英語の歌を聞いたりして適切なアクセントと新しい語彙を獲得してください。
