京都大学 Olivia <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話企業派遣>
My advice to people who are struggling with speaking English as a second language is to try and watch English movies regularly, listen to English music and try to understand the lyrics. This is also good if you want to practice pronunciation. If you are learning English, I think it is important to use the language in everyday life. Also making English speaking friends will help you a great deal.
第二言語として英語の勉強で困難を感じている人への助言として、できれば定期的に英語の映画を見たり、英語の音楽を聴いたりすることです。英語の発音を練習したかったらこれは良い方法です。 日常生活に英会話を使用することも重要と思います。また英語を話す友達を作ることは非常に手助けになると思います。皆様がんばって!!
横浜国大 Safe <英会話電話レッスン、英会話企業派遣、英会話ホームレッスン>
Don't wait for other people to know you, make the first step to know them. English is a language spoken world wide. Learning it gives you more freedom to express yourself. Let's learn English while having fun, my goal is to make you read, write, and mainly SPEAK it!
名古屋市立大学 Zhaka <英会話ホームレッスン>
English is a MUST nowadays. Don't give up now! Let's work it out together, and you will enjoy!!!
九州大学 Nargiza <英会話ホームレッスン>
I think, any foreign languages is difficult to learn, if you don't like it . Try to understand for what you want to learn English and why you need it to do. When you will find the answer, start to study it.. Try to take it easy. In my opinion, one of the good way to fluent your language is find a friend by Internet and start to chat with them, it calls pen-friend. Or try to find foreigner friend and speak with them, even if you think that you can't do it well. It is not your mother language , so at the beginning it is normal have a mistake. Try to see movie and hear music in English. And even if you don't understand make practice with writing English. If you like to know English language it will be easy to study and speak in English. I think, you need just to wish speak in English and you will do it easy.
英会話を上手く話せるために様々な方法があります。もちろん外国語を学ぶのは簡単なものではありませんが、できるものだと思います。最初は、自分が学んでいる言語が好きになって勉強すれば覚えやすいと思います。英語を学ぶときの一番大事なのは話すことでしょう。そのため一番いい方法はインターネットを通じて友達ができて、英会話練習をすればいいでしょう。また、外国人と友達になって、話す練習をすればいいと思います。もちろん、最初はレベルが高くないかもしれないですが、母語ではないため、初期にミスがあるのは当然だと思います。でもミスをしながら、会話レベルを上達し英語の能力を磨くでしょう。そして、なるべく英語で音楽を聞いたり、映画をみたりをするとリスニングを上達するでしょう。また書く練習もすればいいと思います。わからないから書く意味がないと思うかもしれないですが、それも必ず役に立ちます。 何といっても、英会話が上手くなりたいと思い勉強していけば絶対に英会話が上手になれると思います。
East callocan大学 Derick <英会話スカイプレッスン>
A piece of advice that I can share to the Japanese people who wants to learn and understand English, they should watch English movies openly without Japanese subtitles, they should read English books and magazines daily and at least they have dictionary so that they can easily look the words that seems they don't understand. And if they want the continues development and improving their English skills they should study themselves in the company that teach English like TECC. so that they can learn English and practice themselves through English tutorial or one on one conversation.
Far Eastern大学 Ramos <英会話スカイプレッスン>
English is an international language. Learning to speak English should be fun. Reading and listening English helps you, too!! Please practice everyday!
大阪大学 Grace <英会話ホームレッスン>
I think it is all about listening to more English. Even if it is just watching English dramas and reading Japanese subtitles, it will help a lot overtime.
ESL講師 Alvi <英会話スカイプレッスン>
If you can speak the language, you can survive in the modern world. You have a tool to keep up with the rest of the world. I would say, practice speaking English every day, read English books, and watch English movies. Don’t be shy in conversing with English speaking people. If you have a chance to take English lessons, then grab it!. Take as many lessons as you can. I would also suggest traveling abroad as another way to polish your English. If you go to another country where the people speak English, then you will be forced to speak English. In this way, you can improve your speaking and listening ability. If you are a student, then you can try to experience home stay program. It is a cheaper and more convenient way to study English at the same time learning about their culture.
言語を話すことができるなら、あなたは現代の世界で生き残ることができます。 あなたには、他の国々で上達するツールがあります。 毎日英会話を話すのを練習して、英語の本を読んで、英会話の映画を見てくださいと言いたいです。英語を話す人々と話す時に、恥ずかしがらないでください。 英会話のレッスンを受ける機会がありましたらそれを受けてください! できるだけ多くのレッスンを受けてください。 また、私は、あなたの英会話を磨く別の方法として海外旅行することを提案します。 人々が英会話を話す他国に行くと、あなたはやむを得ず英会話を話すでしょう。 この方法で、あなたは話す力と聞く力を改良できます。 学生であれば、あなたはホームステイプログラムを経験しようとすることができます。 それは、同時にそれらの文化に関して学びながら英会話を勉強するより安くて、より便利な方法です。
東北大学 Corina <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話電話レッスン 英会話企業派遣>
For me, it was very easy to study English, because from childhood I had watched movies in English that had Romanian subtitles, in this way getting used to listening in English and also, to the English phrase. That's why, as an advice for those struggling with speaking English, try to speak as much as possible, if not, try at least to listen. I think this is very easy; movies, songs....After time passes, you will be able to think in English, not just to speak.
英会話は日本語と比べて非常に簡単な言語だと思います。漢字がありません。 英会話のフレゾも簡単です。ですからたくさん英会話をしゃべって、聴いて、書いて、とても上手になるでしょう。皆様、がんばって!!
大阪外大 CSILLA <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話スカイプレッスン>
The advice I could give to someone who is studying English, depending on the difficulty he or she is struggling with. INPUT and OUTPUT are important; whereas some teachers might put the stress on studying grammar and vocabulary, and some others mainly on speaking, I believe that both are equally important. I would therefore advice my students to get as much "input" of English (through movies, music, CDs) as possible, and at the same time as much as "output" as possible (practice! practice! practice! Try to talk to yourself in English everyday for 10 minutes). The better your English becomes, the less important the role of input becomes, but it remains important. English is not difficult, only the learning process might look long and tiring. EVERYBODY can learn English if he or she WANTS to.
英会話を勉強している人、悩んでいる人へのアドバイスは、その人によって難しさが違いますから、いろいろあります。英会話を習うのに、英会話のINPUTとOUTPUTは同様に大事だと私は思います。INPUTというのは、英語を読むこと、映画を観ること、CDを聴くことなどのようなことによって行われます。OUTPUTは、自分で英会話を話すということです。両方とも出来るだけ増やしたほうが効果的だと思います。INPUTのほうが、ある程度英会話を話せるようになったら少し大事ではなくなりますけど、完全になくなると、英会話のlearning processがそこで止まってしまいます。英会話はむずかしくないです!!! 習うのは努力と時間が必要なだけです。英会話を勉強したかったら、誰にでも出来ます!!
神戸大学 Bulosan <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話電話レッスン>
Even if you are struggling so much now, just keep the determination and learn more. With this attitude in tow, there's no other way for you but up. Try to learn at least one single word/phrase each day., listen to English conversation as often as you can, and don't hesitate to speak in English when you have or get the opportunity to do so.
一ツ橋大学 Corina <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話企業派遣>
From my experience, three things are essential in order to be able to speak English; patience, hard work and practice. But before all that you need to try and to want to speak English. So, let's make the effort together and try to speak English!
私の経験から英会話がうまくできるためには不可欠なものが三つあります; がんばること、忍耐、あとは練習です。しかし、最初に必要なことは、英会話を話そうとする努力と気持ちです。だから、一緒に努力して英会話を話しましょう!
東京大学 Nikhil <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話企業派遣>
English is a funny language. At one point you feel that it is very logical and easy to grasp, but at other point you realize that it is not so. It is full of exceptions in pronunciation and in grammar. But still, it is the most widely spoken language in the world. One should realize that there is no single English. It changes according to the place you go to. And hence, it is a fun language too. The best way to learn English is to get used to it by listening, talking and understanding it.
神戸大学 Mihaela <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話スカイプレッスン>
Nowadays, English is an international language, that enables people from all over the world to communicate and to understand each other. So, I advise you to try to learn it, and use it! Try to find a beauty of learning a foreign language like the useful English, and then feel the satisfaction of being able to convey your feelings and thoughts to every foreigner you meet. And you will love it! So, as hard as it might seem, it is better to give the best of you to speak English. Have the courage to use it every time you have the chance and be confident that you can do it!
京都大学 Akhlaghi <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話電話レッスン>
The English language presently has turned to be the international language of the world. Living in the 21st century, the century of information and technology, we can find the need of knowing this language increase day by day. Though learning a foreign language can be a very difficult task, but concerning the influence that knowing this language will make in our future life, should try our best to learn and use this language in our future life.
現代、英会話は外国語として、国際言語になってきました。21世紀は情報とコミュニケーションの時代と呼ばれています。 だから日ごとに英会話の必要性が増えてきたことを感じることが出来ます。確かに外国語を学ぶということは大変ですが、将来英会話ができるようになった影響を考えたら、最善を尽くして学んで、生活にこの言語を使うべきです。
大阪大学 Dennis <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話企業派遣>
More communication with foreigners, watching movies in English (without Japanese subtitles), listening to English radio, reading English novels/magazines, writing diary/essays in English to improve vocabulary.
東京学芸大 Pettersson <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話企業派遣>
Try to make studying fun by doing things you like in English, perhaps play an English version of a TV-game that you like or watch a comedy show in English. It's important to be able to look forward to studying when you are trying to learn a language.
早稲田大学 Alina <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話企業派遣 英会話スカイプレッスン>
English is just a tool to express your feelings, desire and need and most importantly yourself. And like any other case, we might find it difficult to use this tool in the first few attempts but things are bound to get easier as the time progresses. So it is all about getting used to it and learning how to implement what you have learnt. So instead of learning English language itself, let us learn how to learn using English. Just don’t be afraid of making blunders. Because that’s what it takes to master any tool. And always remember "its never too late, its never too early".
東京大学 Vitor <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話企業派遣>
I always give my students two advices: have fun, and don't be afraid of making mistakes. Let me explain them. In the first place, to "have fun" means to avoid tedious grammar books and their monotonous explanations, and try your best to learn English naturally. How? Using your hobbies and interests to learn new expressions. For example, if you like movies or TV series, then watching them with English subtitles is an excellent way to learn new expressions - without worrying too much about every detail. The best way to learn is like an infant does - naturally. My second advice is about trying to overcome shyness and just try out the new expressions you have learned. Even if you make a mistake, a teacher or a friend might correct you, but that's the worst
that can happen. Once you get accustomed to this, you'll grow ever more confident!
京都芸大 Chris <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話企業派遣>
In my experience, the most important skill for any Japanese person learning English is the courage and confidence to take risks when speaking, and the ability to forgive themselves for the mistakes they will make. When studying English, it is better to try and fail, than to never try at all. It is from your mistakes that you learn the most. It is important to keep a sense of humor about your own limitations, and congratulate yourself for trying in the first place!
立命館大学 Bianca <英会話スカイプレッスン>
I believe that when one wants to learn a foreign language, in this case English, they should first of all make it a fun and enjoyable experience. They should expose themselves to different aspects of English ( in the form of listening, speaking, reading or writing practice) as much as possible.
東工大 Himasha <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話企業派遣>
English can always be improved with practice. All you need is the love and interest for the language and the courage to try it out.
九州大学 Vladimir <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話企業派遣>
One should remember that English is just a matter of communication, a tool which helps you to express your ideas in a form which would be easy to understand by people of other countries. Hence one should pay more attention to speaking and listening comprehension rather than grammar.
早稲田大学 Yihe Wang <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話企業派遣>
Study hard and make progress every day. 精一杯勉強続き、日々前に進む。英語も中国語も頑張って下さい!
京都大学 Balti <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話企業派遣>
Do your best, there is nothing called impossible. Learn foreign languages by having fun.
一ツ橋大学 Denar <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話スカイプレッスン>
Please do not be afraid to make mistakes. Try to interact as much as possible. You will not learn English if you just stay shut the whole time. Most things in life are learnt by trial and error.
学習院大学 Alice <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話企業派遣>
The impression I had while teaching English to Japanese people is that they have very good grammatical background. Thus they have almost no problem with writing or reading comprehension. I can not say the same thing for their speaking abilities though. it might be because at school speaking classes are not sufficient but i think Japanese (and not only) people who study English (or any other foreign language) should put some effort in their speaking abilities well. So I would advice people who want to do something more with their language abilities than just read, to make some effort in advancing their verbal communication skills.
東京大学 Adriana <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話企業派遣 英会話スカイプレッスン>
English lives. The more you use it, the more you can speak and understand it. If you don't use it, it will be forgotten a little by little. So in order to improve your English, try using English in your everyday life and practice with your friends, classmates and instructors. To get used to English, listen to spoken English as much as possible and it also helps you to acquire correct pronunciation, which is very important thing to learn English.
九州大学 Dara <英会話電話レッスン>
Learning foreign language takes time and energy, so I think it is very important for you to keep your motivation to learn. I believe that your high motivation will improve your ability. Moreover, mastering foreign language will be a big profit for you in a way you can learn the custom and culture of the country. Since English is an international language, English will give you global view and network. So keep doing!
京都大学 Milena <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話スカイプレッスン>
You have to find something you like and connect it with your English studying. You will find studying much easier if you turn it into a hobby. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, they are the best way to remember something!
英会話を趣味として考えたほうがいいです。 好きなことを見つけて、英会話の勉強とつなげてください。間違いをするのを怖がらないでください。まちがえたほうが思い出します。
九州大学 Adil <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話企業派遣>
Try to avoid the translation, so you will be able to think in English.
横浜国大 Radina <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話企業派遣>
Learning a language takes a lot of effort and the only way to make it easier is to expose yourself to a lot of English. This means that you should read a lot of books and magazines, watch movies and listen to music in English. This way you can learn many new words and idioms and the right situations to use them. But the most important thing is to try to use them in class or when talking to native speakers. One should make the most of the classes and always actively participate even when he or she or not prepared the class.
言語を学ぶには、多くの努力が必要で、そして、それをより簡単にする唯一の方法は、多くの英語に親しむことです。 英語で多くの本や雑誌を読んで、映画を見て、音楽を聴くべきであることを意味します。 このように、あなたは、それらを使用するために多くの新しい単語、熟語、および正しい状況を勉強できます。 しかし、最も重要なことは、クラスであるいは英語母語の人々と話すとき、覚えたことを使おうとすることです。準備をしていなくてもクラスにいつも活発に参加するべきです。
埼玉在住 Marisol <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話電話レッスン>
I'm very patient, especially when people show certain difficulties to learn, I don't give up until I see some advance. I'm very friendly and I like to talk about all kind of topics. I'm opened minded which is important since I don't have any prejudice, and I'm willing to guide and to give all my knowledge to the student. I really enjoy teaching, and I know that is my best ability, since I've worked in other fields and I realized that, to teach is what I really like.
九州大学 Verjinia <英会話ホームレッスン 英会話企業派遣>
English is easier to learn than Japanese. It is only a matter of practice through communication.
Napier大学 Graham <英会話ホームレッスン>
My word of advice would be to try to embrace the foreign language and to gain progressive interest in the necessary tools.
New York在住 Marcela <英会話スカイプレッスン>
First I went to Japan in 1999 as an exchange student for one year. I studied Japanese language for one year in Japan. Now I am living in New York. I want to say Japanese people who are struggling with speaking English as a second language, don't be shy to make mistakes and enjoy speaking!