

TECC english conversation club 資料請求 / 無料体験レッスン サイトマップ 個人情報保護方針
  • テック英会話
  • 資料請求 / 無料体験レッスン

先生たちから英会話上達のコツを伝授します。 2021年07月


愛媛大学 Rita

I've often been told that Japanese are afraid of making mistakes when speaking in a foreign language, respectively English. As a person who has experience with learning and practicing three foreign languages, I can say that the biggest mistake is that particular fear of not finding the right words or grammar to express your thoughts. My advice is to practice without being shy, because small mistakes are something we can learn from, and with time, one can definitely achieve the confidence of expressing themselves in English with the same freedom they would enjoy in their native language.


京都大学 Tonchel

Any language can be mastered as long as you study properly and systematically. English is not as fifficult as you may think and it is worth trying because language is a beautiful tool of communication that brings people closer.

どの言語でもちゃんと勉強すればマスターすることができます。英会話はみんなが思っているほど難しくないし、頑張ってみる価値があると思います。 言語というのは、人々をつなぐ美しいコミュニケーションツールだからです。がんばりましょうい!!!


横浜国大 Nikolay

I think practice is the most important thing for people who are struggling with English, be it in the form of speaking with foreigners, reading books or watching movies. In my opinion the most useful tool for improving one's English skills is the Internet,especially sites like Wikipedia or You tube.

英語能力を高めたいという人には、練習が一番大事だと思います。毎日英語を使わないと、全然うまくならないと思います。外国人と話したり、本を読んだり、映画を見たり、特にインターネットのWikipedia や You tubeは最も役に立つサイトだと思います。英会話にインターネットを役立てて、スカイプ英会話も試してください。

大阪大学 Aurora

Any foreign language may seem very difficult to catch in the beginning and conversational skills appear to represent a problem amongst most students. But I wish everybody could realize that learning a language could turn out to be a fun thing to do. Taking every chance you have to put in practice your knowledge is the key towards progress.



横浜国大 Georgi


In my personal experience, I've found that for learning foreign language it's essential to talk, even if you think you might make a mistake. So for me, overcoming the fear of making mistakes is very important. Apart from that, watching movies, listening to music might help a lot.

North Central 大学 Isomura

As I have been told, English is one of the hardest languages to learn. But don't let that get you down! You are tackling one of the most studied and one of the hardest languages that you can learn. So the fact that you are going to pursue this endeavor is already a great start in picking up the language. I believe many people can read and write English pretty well, but speaking is the part that gets a little bit more challenging. But a lot of language learning is patience and practice. The more you listen to English, the better you can hear the difference between the correct and the incorrect way of phrasing and pronunciation.



東京大学 Natalie

The most important thing to always remember when studying English is "practice makes perfect." The more you concentrate and the more you put your time and effort into it, the better your results. For example, talking to a native speaker for at least 30 minutes each day, or, learning 10 new vocabularies each day, or, keeping a journal in English every day…These are all ways to keep yourself motivated and they will eventually help your growth. Keep it up and the results will show. I myself have spent most of my life in England and the U.S.A (11 years in total) and so my English level today is contingent to that of a native speaker. However, I was also a beginner once so I know exactly how to improve your English skills and I strongly believe that "practice makes perfect". I look forward to teaching and expanding your English skills with all of you! The most important thing to always remember when studying English is "practice makes perfect." The more you concentrate and the more you put your time and effort into it, the better your results. For example, talking to a native speaker for at least 30 minutes each day, or, learning 10 new vocabularies each day, or, keeping a journal in English every day…These are all ways to keep yourself motivated and they will eventually help your growth. Keep it up and the results will show. Good luck!


京都大学 Elena

Practicing English in every day life. Watching movies in English language and English channels (for example CNN). 毎日英語で話さなければなりません。英語のチャンネルを見てください。 スカイプの英会話も良いでしょう。


ケンタッキー大学 Anthony

Try to read and listen to as much English as you possibly can. Speaking is always very difficult, but once you have listened or read enough English, it becomes more boring and simple and thus easier to speak. You may have to look up the same word many times, but that's normal, don't get discouraged : )


立命館大学 Sonia

English is very convenient and interesting language because you can do many things, for example travel to many countries and meet interesting people.



九州大学 Mukhtarov

psychology/I had the same problem with learning foreign language. And my problem was that learning language is to learn only grammar and words. But it's not like that. Learning language is not only grammar and words. It's also listening, speaking and etc. And you can make mistakes when you talk, but you shouldn't be shy of your talking. Go on and have fun while talking.


東京大学 Mariya

Studying a foreign language is always challenging. When learning a foreign language I personally begin with grammar to understand the differences and similarities between the foreign language and my native language. However, to develop speaking ability you need practice as much as possible. Don't be afraid of making mistakes in the beginning. Remember that it is not your native language even native speakers do make mistakes. You also need to enrich your vocabulary. Books, songs and movies are of great help in this respect. Finally you must have a strong motivation to master the language. It may be studying abroad, academic or professional career, traveling or simply making new friends. Know exactly what you want and always keep it in mind. No pain - no gain.




東京大学 Abe

Learning a second language might be a little bit difficult , so you should look for different ways of learning. If you have a hobby which involves English, it would be easier to learn because you can learn having fun. For example, if you like music, try to understand the meaning of the lyrics; or if you like movies, watching without subtitles helps a lot to improve your listening. Another option, which I think is the best way, is to have foreign friends, because you will have a good time not just learning English, but also learning about their culture as well.


岡山大学 Jerry

Studying any Foreign Language can't be said to be an easy task as it requires sturdy effort, time , courage and self-motivation. The only way to become a good speaker of a supposed second language is by combination of the above on of above e qualities and repeated practice. I will like my Japanese. I will like Japanese trying to study English to understand. Where there is a will , there is a way.



東京大学 Andreea

In order to get a good command of English you should put less emphasis on pronunciation and correctness of phrase and more on the ability to communicate ideas. I think there are many chances to use English in Japan. Use every opportunity that comes your way.


東京工業大学 Yoe




東京大学 Kirsty

One way to learn a new language is to relax and enjoy the journey learning it because when you're relaxed and having fun it's easier for you to learn and understand.


広島大学 Raluca

Basically, the study of any international language has never been proven to be an easy task. Nevertheless, the easiest way to learn a language is by repeated trial of communication by the learner. I want the intending Japanese students to understand that the only way to succeed is practicing and trusting themselves. Where there is a will there is a way. Let's make it together.



埼玉大学 Munkhdul

I think that the biggest problem in learning English in Japan is "Engrish". It’s not about having the right accent. It’s about your ability to make the listener understand which of the English words you are trying to say. So my advice to whomever learning English is: learn English, not English. Everybody's ability to learn a foreign language is different. Doesn't matter which country you were born. But it is slightly special for Japan. The Japanese language has fewer syllables than most (I think) other languages. Furthermore, the National "Engrish" 教育 System in is the biggest culprit in the spread of Engrish. But it does give you a grammatical and vocabulary basis from a small age and that is a very significant advantage for Japan. The only problem is that young students here grow up learning Engrish, not English. So whenever I teach English, my biggest focus will be on "understandably pronouncing." And as in, perhaps, every language, you don't need a lot of words to have a good conversation. Most often if one Japanese speaks English to another Japanese, they understand each other and that might give you a false belief your English is understandable. But when that person speaks that English to a non-Japanese speaking person, he/she is shocked to learn that all this time and effort of learning English was to no avail as they are met with confused faces. And their confidence is destroyed and often leading to totally giving up on English. The first step to learning English in Japan is not just learning the meaning of your first English words; it’s learning the meaning AND learning to understandably (not to another Engrish speaker, but to an English speaker) pronounce them.

一橋大学 Batderem

Learning foreign language can be hard or fun. It depends on the way you learn it. I think there are many ways to learn how to speak or write in English. Among them, I believe you can find the way that fit you the most. The point is, in my opinion, looking around not only the text but everything. Such as, you can enjoy the music in English, or learn new cooking way in English. I give an advice you to try to do what you like the most do in English.



九州大学留学生家族 Elvira

Do not forget that you must practice always is the most important thing to reach the objective.


神戸在住 Geoffrey

It helps to think about what you want to discuss before the lesson. That way you can take your time looking up various words. Then use the lesson more effectively for practice, rather than learning new material. It is always easier to remember new vocabulary if it has a particular interest to you. I.e. YOUR hobbies and interests rather than the teacher's. New words and sentences stick better in your mind that way.



大阪大学 Agnieszka

英語が上達するには、まず、英語で考える習慣を身につけることが重要だと思います。 自分に自信をもって、自分のペースで勉強してください。ぜひスカイプで英会話をやってみてください。

The important thing to make progress in learning English is to try to think in English. Besides of that, just take your time and believe in yourself.

九州大学 Paul

To learn a foreign language it is inevitable to study it everyday day, at least a little bit.



名古屋大学 Ainur

If you want to constantly improve your English whatever you learn during lesson. Please practice it immediately with a teacher or with your English speaking friends. Please have time to review it again and again. Then try to use it. It goes to deep memory only if you practice, revise and use it.


京都大学 Mona

In order to get a good command of English you should put less emphasis on pronunciation and correctness of phrase and more on the ability to communicate ideas. I think there are many chances to use English in Japan. Use every opportunity that comes your way.



一ツ橋大学 Garma

Do not be afraid of making mistakes, and speak as much as you can. Always trying to express yourself within the words you know is the basic attitude of learning Spoken English.


筑波大学 Corina

When learning such a different language than your native one, it is important to be open to trying and learning from mistakes. Ideally, the first step is to find where the weak points are and deal with them through their improvement. By achieving this, you can build on the confidence of speaking in a second language. Moreover learning a foreign language is a continuous process and through a correct answer you never learn something new.

母国語以外の言語を学ぶ際には、とにかく挑戦することと、間違いから学ぶという姿勢がとても重要です。 その為にはまず自分の弱点を見つけ、克服する必要があります。そうすることにより、第二外国語を話す上での自信となるのです。更なる外国語の習得というのもその繰り返しであり、正しい回答から何か新しいことを学ぶことなどほとんどないのです。


埼玉大学 Natalia

My main interest, for a long time, has been the Japanese language and culture. I have a real passion for the Japanese language and way of life and love living in this amazing country. I am also interested in the Portuguese language and culture. I love Capoeira (Brazilian martial art) and Surfing. Furthermore I have a love for my own language and really enjoy sharing it with students in Japan. I also really enjoy traveling and experiencing various cultures. I hope to be able to live and work in a number of different countries in the future. I love to read and relax in hot springs. Japanese ones are especially lovely.

一ツ橋大学 Keoppony

About 8 years ago, I heard these words from an English teacher about how to learn a foreign language fast, successfully and efficiently. He said, ' If you want to be good at writing, write a lot. If you want to be good at listening, listen a lot. So does it works for speaking.' And he is so right on this. Yes, to be able to speak English fluently, we need to speak a lot. Don't be shy and don't be afraid of making mistakes. We are not native English speakers so it's normal that we make mistakes when speaking English. But we can and we will improve our English gradually, as long as we keep using it. Also, read more in English. Watch English speaking movie with subtitle in our own language. To make our English sounds natural, don't always translate word by word from our language when we try to express ourself. Start speaking using easy words and short sentences first. It might be discouraging by failing to express ourself though we are using difficult and sophisticated language. After being fluent with normal spoken English, we can challenge ourself with a higher level. Then we'll find out that English is actually fun to learn and to speak!



千葉大学 Rocio

The best way to learn a language is practicing it as much as you can without being afraid of making mistakes. Remember that if we make mistakes, we are going to get better.


英国在住 Petya

Even though I am in Japan since July I had many possibilities to speak and communicate in English with different Japanese people. My impression is that most of them are shy using their English knowledge because of pronunciation difficulties or are having fear of making mistakes. The struggle for speaking English as a second language is based mostly on psychological barriers than on linguistic difficulties. The task of the language teacher is to help the students to overcome these barriers.


一ツ橋大学 Nak

English is not difficult if you are willing to learn it. The most important thing is practice and not to be afraid of making mistakes because even native speakers make mistakes. Making mistakes is the best way to learn a language.


千葉大 Jose

Practice, speak all you can. Reading books, newspapers, etc. Listening to songs and repeat at loud.

練習してたくさん話す。 本とか新聞など読む。音楽を聞きながら、大声でで繰り返し話しすることです。


九州大学 Neuleth

I believe that Japanese people can somehow understand English and some can speak good English. It's just that they don't have the confidence in speaking the language and that's where the struggle comes, if they just let themselves be exposed to the language, by continually practicing their English skills, I think they will be able to overcome this struggle. Practice speaking in English, don't just memorize it in your mind, say it. Find an outlet where you can practice your English, like TECC.

九州大学 Winston

Please do not be shy and try to speak English as much as you can. It is also a good idea not to be afraid to make mistakes when you are speaking English because when you make a mistake, it is also a good chance to improve your speaking skills. Do not hesitate to ask any question, even when the question could be very simple because this a good way to deal with your doubts. Another good advice is to read lauded in order to develop your pronunciation skills as well as to have a strong motivation related to be able to speak English.



大阪大学 Ekaterine

Read it, listen to it, talk it. 読んで、聞いて、話してください。

九州大学 Karen

I, the same as Japanese People, studied (and still study) English as a second language.

For making the learning process funnier and less stressful I recommend people to listen music, watch movies and sing in English. Most important of all, even though mistakes are made, people have to try to speak as much as possible in English and to surround themselves with an English environment. Practicing those methods, I think learning English should get easier, faster and successful.


以上のことをすれば、英語の勉強が簡単になり、勉強がうまくいくはずです。皆様 頑張って!!


九州大学 Mariana

Learning a second language is never easy, even if the grammar is alike but if we really want to learn and we study with all the dedication required, we will succeed one day. That`s for sure. Be constant, responsible and dedicated.


東京大学 Amaya

Try to read more in English, starting from simple illustrated books. Because visual memory gives us the first step for discovering the way of learning English. Watch movies in English and with English subtitles/never Japanese subtitles/as much as you can. It helps you to improve your listening skill. If you're interested in music, listen to the song, try to catch the words and sing loudly/you can find the lyrics on the internet.

辞書を引きながら本を読むことは大事なんですが、一度覚えた言葉を出来るだけ早く身につけるように日常会話に使って行きましょう。自分のdiaryなどを英語で書き始めましょう。お互いメールする時も英語を使っていけばだんだん楽しくなり英会話はできるようになります。皆様 頑張って下さい。


埼玉大学 Leonora

Speaking is very important when learning a new language. In Japan it is difficult to find the opportunity to practice English because everything is in Japanese. A fun way to learn is by watching movies and listening to music in English. It is very practical and good for improving listening abilities. You can also hear and repeat the words correcting your own pronunciation. By practicing everyday you will be able to learn quickly and speak in no time!


九州在住 Lani

please don't give up. Learning will always be hard at first but once you get used to it and you keep on practicing, it will be as easy as ABC. Keep in mind the benefit and the usefulness it will give you in the process. Especially nowadays, the demand in English is so high that learning would really be a must.
