

TECC english conversation club 資料請求 / 無料体験レッスン サイトマップ 個人情報保護方針
  • テック英会話
  • 資料請求 / 無料体験レッスン

皆様へ講師からのアドバイス 2015年7月~2018年6月


大阪大学 Bluewitt

Unlearn your mistakes. You probably make the same grammar mistakes over and over again. Use English tests results as a study tool. Go over your mistakes and choose one or two that you want to focus on. Use your favorite grammar book to check rules.


神戸大学 Tabatabi

Think about your strong and weak points. Write down which areas you want to improve on and work on improving them. Of course, don’t ignore your strong points. Congratulate yourself on how well you’ve done!



東京大学 Nicky

Once you have a basic level of English explore the different ways you can say the same thing. This makes your English more interesting to the listener and it shouldn’t be too difficult for you because you already know the basics. For example, how many ways can we say, ‘Goodbye' in English?


京都大学 Sidle

Nobody can learn all of the English language. No need to worry about trying. A useful shortcut to learning is that in English we have lots of words that have the same pronunciation, but a different spelling and meaning. For example, ‘come here’ has the same pronunciation as, ‘I can hear the birds’. You might find it easier to build vocabulary by knowing the different meanings.



例えば、「ここに来る」と同じ発音をしている「私は鳥を聞くことができます。」 異なる意味を知ることによって語彙を構築することが、より簡単であると気が付くかもしれません。


横浜国大 Lim

Start your own English language blog. Even for people who don't have to write in English, writing can be a great way of properly learning the kind of vocabulary you need to describe your own life and interests, and of thinking about how to stop making grammar mistakes. The problem most people have is that they don't know what to write about. One traditional way to make sure you write every day in English is to write an English diary (journal), and a more up to date way of doing this is to write a blog. Popular topics include your language learning experience, your experience studying abroad, your local area, your language, or translations of your local news into English.



大阪大学 Wilson

Write a news diary. Another daily writing task that can work for people who would be bored by writing about their own routines in a diary is to write about the news that you read and listen to everyday. If you include your predictions for how you think the story will develop (e.g. "I think Hillary will become president"), this can give you a good reason to read old entries another time, at which time you can also correct and mistakes you have made and generally improve what you have written.



千葉大学 Zoratina

Listen to MP3s. Although buying music on the internet is becoming more popular in many countries, not so many people know that you can download speech radio such as audio books (an actor reading out a novel) and speech radio. Not only is this better practice for your English than listening to English music, from sources like Scientific American, BBC and Australia's ABC Radio it is also free.

MP3を聞いてください。インターネット上の音楽を買うことは多くの国々においてよりポピュラーですが、あなたがオーディオブック(俳優が小説を読む) や音声ラジオをダウンロードすることができることを多くの人々が知っているのわけではありません。、英語の音楽を聞くだけより、無料のサイエンティフィックアメリカン、BBC、あるいはオーストラリアのABCラジオのような情報源から聞く事は、あなたの英語のためによりよい練習です。

京都大学 Paul

Sign up for a regular English tip. Some websites offer a weekly or even daily short English lesson sent to your email account. If your mobile phone has an e-mail address, it is also possible to have the tips sent to your phone to read on the way to work or school. Please note, however, that such services are not usually graded very well

to the levels of different students,

and they should be used as a little added extra or revision in your English studies

rather than as a replacement for something you or your teacher have chosen more carefully as what you need to learn.

定期的な英語の情報に登録してください 。 いくつかのウェブサイトはあなたの電子メールアカウントに毎週、あるいは毎日短い英語のレッスンを送信します。 携帯電話、電子メールアドレスを持っている場合は、情報を仕事や学校に行く途中で読むためにあなたの携帯電話に送信することも可能です。しかしながら、そのようなサービスは」異なる学生のレベルに通常あまり類別されず、あなたや教師がより注意深く学習する必要があると選んだものの置換としてではなくあなたの英語の研究の中で少し追加の余分の物あるいは修正として使用されるべきであることを覚えておいてください。


マレーシア在住 Norlzhira

Sing karaoke in English. The next stage after understanding and memorizing a song is obviously to sing it. Although some words have their pronunciation changed completely to fit in with a song, most of the words have the same sounds and stressed syllables as in normal speech. Remembering which words rhyme at the end of each line can also be a good way of starting to learn English pronunciation.

英語でカラオケを歌いましょう。 暗記した後、次の段階は、それを歌うことは明らかです。いくつかの単語がその発音は歌に合うように完全に変更されていますが、言葉のほとんどは、通常の音声と同じ音と強勢音節を持っています。言葉が各ラインの終わりにどれを韻文で書くか思い出すことはさらに英語の発音を学習し始めるよい方法かもしれません。

一ツ橋大学 Enkhgaatar

Write a film, music, hotel or book review. Another motivating and easy way to make yourself write in English is to write a review for a site such as Amazon or Internet Movie Database. Many non-native speakers write reviews on sites like this, and if you have some special understanding of the book, music or film due to your first language or knowing the artist personally, that would be very interesting for the English speakers who read and write reviews on the site.

映画、音楽、ホテルや本のレビューを書いて下さい。 自分が英語を書くようにする簡単な方法ともうひとつの動機とは、Amazonまたはインターネット映画データベースなどのサイトのレビューを作ることです。 そして、もしあなたが、あなたの第一言語による書籍、音楽や映画に特別な理解を持っているか、個人的にアーティストを知っている場合、このようなサイトを読んだり書き込みをする英語母語者にとって、それは非常に興味深いものになるでしょう。


九州大学 Adil

Only search in English. Switching your search engine to the English language version of msn, yahoo, Google etc. can not only be a good way of practicing fast reading for specific information in English, but could also give you a wider choice of sites to choose from and give you an idea of what foreigners are writing about your country and area.

英語でのみ検索してください 。 SNS、ヤフー、グーグルなどの検索エンジンを英語バージョンに切り替えると、英語のみで特定の情報についての速読の良い練習になるだけでなく、あなたが選択するサイトのより広い選択肢を与え、外国人があなたの国や地域について書いていることを与えられます。

大阪大学 Victoria

Read a book you've already read or seen the movie of in your own language. Although most language learners under Advanced level would probably learn more from reading a graded reader or something from the internet than they would from reading an original book written for English speakers, for some people reading something like Harry Potter in the original can be a great motivator to improve their English. To make this easier for you and make sure that it motivates you rather than just making your tired, try reading a book that you already know the story of. This not only makes it easier to understand and guess vocabulary, but you are also more likely to remember the language in it. If you have not read the book before, reading a plot summary from the internet can also help in the same way.

自分の言語で既に読んだまたは見た映画の本を読んで下さい 。 ほとんどの高くないレベルの言語学習者は、オリジナルではハリーポッターのようなものや、英語母語者用に書かれたオリジナルの本を読むよりよりも、おそらくインターネットのグレイディッド·リーダーか何かを読んでより多くを学び英語力を向上させることができますし、 やる気につながります。 簡単で、疲れなくて、あなたを動機づけていることを確認するには、既に話を知っている本を読んでみてください。 これは単に、理解し語彙を推測できるようになるだけではなく、その中の言語を覚えている可能性が高くなります。 以前に本を読んでいない場合は、インターネットからのプロットの要約を読んでもまた同じように助けになります。


横浜国大 Savior

Read a translation into English. Another way of making sure books are easier to understand is to choose a book that was originally translated into English, preferably from your own language. Even if you haven't read the book in your own language, you will find the English is written in a slightly simplified way that is more similar to how your own language is written than a book originally written in English would be.

英語への翻訳を読んでください 。 理解しやすい本なのか確認する別の方法は、優先的に自分自身の言語から英語に翻訳された本なのか選択することです。 あなた自身の言語でその本を読んだことがない場合でも、その英語が、もともと英語で書かれた本よりも自分自身の言語で書かれている方法に似て若干簡略化されて書かれていることに気づくでしょう。

横浜国大 Claire

Skip the first ten pages . If you have given up with a book in English or are reading it very slowly, try skimming through the first ten pages or skipping them completely. The start of most books tend to be mainly description and are therefore full of difficult vocabulary and don't have a clear story line yet to help you understand what is happening and to motivate you to turn the next page. If the book is still too difficult even after the introductionary part is finished, it is probably time to give that book up for now and try it again after you have read some easier things.

最初の10ページをスキップします 。 あなたは英語の本をあきらめたか、または非常にゆっくりとそれを読んでいるのであれば、最初の10ページからスキミングを試みるか、またはそれを完全にスキップします。 ほとんどの書籍の始めは、主に、難しい語彙に満ちて記述する傾向があるので、何が起こっているのかを理解し、次のページをめくるやる気にさせるためのまだ明確なストーリーラインを持っていません。 その本が、紹介の部分が終了した後でもなおあまりにも困難である場合は、あなたはおそらく今はその本をあきらめる時で、もっと簡単な本を読んだ後に、再びそれを試めして下さい。


神戸大学 Lamya

Please read English language entertainment guides. Nowadays most big cities in the world have an English language magazine and/ or online guide to the movies, plays, exhibitions that are on in the city that week. Reading this in English is not only good value, but it could also guide you to places that English speakers are interested in and where you might hear some English spoken around you.

英語の娯楽ガイドブックをお読みください 。 今日世界で最も大きな都市では英語の雑誌、週ごとの映画、演劇、展示会へのオンラインガイドをもっていがあります。 英語でこれを読むのは価値あるだけでなく、英語母語者が興味を持っている場所へ、またどこで英語が聞けるか、あなたを導く可能性があります。

学習院大学 Zusana

Try to read English language magazines. Like books, if you can read two versions of the same magazine (Newsweek in your language and in English, for example), that could make understanding it much easier.

英語の雑誌を読んでみてください 。 本のように、 もし、同じ雑誌を2つのバージョンで (例えば、ニューズウィークをあなたの言語と英語で) 読むことができたら、あなたはとても簡単に理解することができるでしょう。


一ツ橋大学 Ramin

Say or think what you are doing in English as you do your daily tasks. As you are doing your chores, try creating sentences describing what you are doing, eg 'I am unscrewing the ketchup bottle cap'. This gets you used to thinking in English without translating, and can be a good way of seeing what simple vocabulary that is around you everyday you don't know yet.

あなたの日課など、何をしているか英語で言ったり考えたりして下さい。家事をやっていたら、自分が何をしているか説明する文章を作ってみてください。 例えば、「私はケチャップボトルのキャップを外している。」のように。これは、翻訳なしで英語で考えることに慣れますし、あなたがまだ知らない日常の単純な単語が何であるか、見る良い方法にすることができます。

広島大学 Inosent

DSで英語学習ゲームにトライして下さい 。このようなゲームは任意の言語を持つことができますから、恐らく英語を独力で話すあなたの能力を高めそうにもありませんが、今度、あなたが同じ言語を聞くか読む時に、それを備えたゲームを既にしたという事実によって、あなたの脳に確かに記憶されるでしょう。さらに、その英語を行う間に他の英語の勉強から休憩をとる良い方法です。 ただ、それは本当に休憩であって、 日常生活の中であまり使わないゲームから言語を学習する無駄な時間を避けるためにであり、わざわざゲームの中で見出した新しい言語を書き留める必要はありません。ただ再ゲームをすることからそれを学習してみてください。

Try to play English language learning games on your Nintendo DS. Although such games can have quite random language and are unlikely to improve your ability to speak English on their own, the next time you hear or read the same language elsewhere it will be really fixed in your brain by the fact you have played a game with it in already. It is also a nice way of taking a break from your other English studies while also doing some English. To make sure it really is a break and to avoid wasting time learning language from the game that is not much used in daily life, don't bother writing down any new language you see in the game, but just try to learn it from playing the game again.


九州大学 Kimtam

Better to watch films in your language with English subtitles. If you are finding English films with English subtitles too difficult or you can't find English films with English subtitles in your local video shop, this is a good second best option. Looking for local films with English subtitles can also sometimes be a good sign of quality, as it means the producers of the film are expecting it to be popular internationally as well.

あなたの言語で字幕付き映画を見るのが良いでしょう。英語の字幕付き映画が とても難しいか、またはあなたのローカルビデオ店での英語字幕付き映画を見つけることができない場合、これは良い第二のオプションです。 英語字幕付きの地元の映画を探すことは、フィルムの製作者が国際的にも人気が出ることを期待しているように、品質の良い徴候です。

九州大学 Salim

Please watch English language films with English subtitles. For people who can't understand a film without subtitles but find themselves not listening at all when reading subtitles in their own language, this should be the way of watching a film that you should aim for. If it is too difficult to watch the whole film this way, try watching the (usually important) first 10 or 15 minutes of the film with subtitles in your own language, switch to English subtitles after that, and only switch back to subtitles in your own language if you get totally lost following the story of the film.

英語字幕付き映画を英語で見てください 。 字幕なしでは映画を理解できないが、自分の言語で字幕を読むときには全く映画の英語を聞いていない自分に気づく人々にとって、これが目指すべき映画の見方でなければなりません。 この方法で映画全体を見ることが困難である場合は、自分自身の言語の字幕付き映画の(通常は重要な)最初の10分または15分を見てみて、そのあと英語字幕に切り替えて、そして、全く映画のストーリーがわからない場合のみ、自分自身の言語の字幕付きにまた切り替えます。


横浜国大 Georgi

Please watch the same film or TV episode over and over again. This can not only save you money on DVDs, but will mean that you can really learn the language without having to study it. Some comedies can also get funnier the more you watch them, especially if you watch them with no subtitles and so understand a little more each time you watch it.

何度も何度も同じ映画やテレビのエピソードを見てください。これは、DVDにお金を費やさないばかりか、それを持たなくても本当に言語を学ぶことができることを意味します。 たとえば喜劇でもあなたがそれを見るたびに笑えますし、特に字幕なしで見れば、見るたびに理解することができます。

広島大学 Ioana

Please watch English films with subtitles in your language. Again, this is not as good practice as English language films with English subtitles, but is more relaxing, can be easier to find suitable DVDs for.

自分の言語の字幕付きで英語の映画を見てください 。 繰り返しますが、英語字幕付きの映画のように、優れた練習用の映画としてではなく、よりリラックスできますし、自分に適したDVDを簡単に見つけることができます。


神戸大学 Ruth

Please be realistic about your reading level. Most researchers agree that people learn most when reading something they understand almost all of. If there are one or two words per page that you have never seen before, that is about the right level. If there are three or more on every page, you should switch to something easier and come back later.

自分の読書レベルに現実的でいてください 。 ほとんどの研究者たちは、人々がほぼすべてを理解して何かを読み取るときにすべてを学ぶことに異論はありません。ページにあなたが見たことのない単語が1つか2つあっても、それは適切なレベルです。もし、すべてのページに3つ以上存在する場合は、もっと簡単な何かに切り替えて、後でその本に戻る必要があります。

九州大学 Tess

One thing that holds many language learners back is actually trying too hard and tackling something that their brain is not ready for yet. Checking your level with a level check test on the internet, by taking an English language test (FCE, CAE, IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL etc.), or by taking a free trial level check and/ or lesson at TECC will help you find out what your level is and so choose suitable self-study materials.

多くの英語学習者を後退させていることの一つは、まさに努力しすぎて、脳はまだ準備ができていないのに取り組んでいることす。インターネット上のレベルチェックテストや 英語のテスト(FCE、CAE、IELTS、TOEIC、TOEFLなど)、または語学学校で無料体験のレベルチェック、またはレッスンを受けることによって、自分のレベルを確認し、適切な自己学習教材を選択するのに役立ちます。


東京大学 Joshua

Please read English children's books. This is very similar to watching English children's movies, but with the added advantage of there being more illustrations than adult books, which both helps you to understand the story and makes the page brighter and more motivating to read.

子供向けの英語の本を読んでください 。 これは、英語の子ども向けの映画を観るのと非常によく似ていますが、大人の本よりも多くのイラストがあるので、あなたが物語を理解するのに役立ちますし、ページが明るく、読む意欲がでる利点があります。

早稲田大学 Miles

Please watch English children's films or TV programs. Although some of the vocabulary you can learn from things made for children can be a bit strange (lots of animal names and maybe animal noises, including baby names for things), the fact that not only the language but the structure of the story is simplified can make it an easy and motivating thing to watch. Like good language learning materials, the same language is also often repeated to make it memorable, and the use of catchy songs etc. can increase this positive effect on your memory.

英語の子供向け映画やテレビ番組を見てください。子供たちのために作られたものから学べる語彙のいくつかは、ちょっと奇妙(赤ちゃんことばを含む動物の名前やたぶん動物の音などが多い)ですが、言語だけではなく、物語の構造が簡略化されているので、見るのに簡単でやる気がでます。 優れた学習教材のように、記憶に残るよう同じ言語を繰り返し、覚えやすい歌を使うのは、記憶するのにプラス効果を増加させます。


東京大学 Steven

Crossing out or deleting words, sentences or whole pages that you have learnt can be a great motivator, and save your list of things to learn becoming too big to handle.


横浜国大 Nick

自分の語彙帳を英語のみにします 。 翻訳をやめ、理解と成果を速く向上させる一つの方法は、あなたの母国語を使わずにすべての語彙を学ぶことです。 英語のみで語彙帳を作成できる方法として以下のようなことがあります。

同義語(同じ意味を持つ単語、例えば "tall"と"high")反対語(例えば "high"と"low")音節の数のように、発音因子を持つ(例えば3拍の "de-ci-sion)発音の強勢(大声で長く発音される音節、例えば、 "baNAnaの第二音節)ギャップ文章(例えば "私はSFに__________がないです。" 単語は "interest").

Convert your vocabulary to English only. One way to stop yourself translating and therefore increase your speed of comprehension and production is to learn all your vocabulary without the use of your own first language.

Ways you can write a vocabulary only English include

with synonyms (words with the same meaning, eg "tall" and "high"); with opposites ("high" and "low");

with pronunciation factors such as number of syllables (the number of beats, eg three for "de- ci- sion")

and the word stress (the syllable that is pronounced louder and longer, eg the second syllable in "baNAna");

and gapped sentences (eg "I am not ____________ in science fiction" for the word "interested").


九州大学 Paul

Please label things in your house or office with post-its! The easiest vocabulary to learn is the vocabulary of things you see and use every day. If you can write the names of things around you on slips of paper and stick them on the real thing, this is a great way of learning useful vocabulary. If you can leave them there over the following days and weeks, this is a very easy way of revising the vocabulary until it is properly learnt.

あなたの家やオフィスのポストに英語のラベルを貼って下さい! 最も簡単に学べる語彙は、あなたが毎日見る、あるいは使うものの語彙です。 紙切れにあなたの周りのものの名前を書いて、本物にそれを貼り付けたら、これは役に立つ語彙を学習するのに最適な方法です。 次の日から数週間にわたって、それを残すことができれば、語彙が上達するのは非常に簡単な方法です。

大阪大学 Stanko

Please throw everything away and start again. One of the things that can put most people off learning is a stack of half finished books or a huge list vocabulary waiting to be learnt. Simply getting rid of all that and starting again with something new from zero can be a great motivator and get your studies underway again.

すべてから離れてやり直してください 。勉強からほとんどの人々を遠ざけるものは、半分しか終わっていない本や学習されるのを待っている膨大な単語帳の山です。シンプルにすべてを処分してゼロから新しい何かを始めると、やる気が出て、また勉強になります。


東工大 Zsolt

Please label in English a drawing. For people who can't put labels in English on real things, the next best option is to take a photo of a real place in your life like your office, print it out, and then draw lines to all of the things you can see in the picture and label them in English with the help of a dictionary. You can do the same thing with places you pass through everyday like the station. Because you will see the same thing again and again, it should be easy to really learn the words for those things.

絵に英語でラベルを付けてください。 現物に英語のラベルをつけることができない人々は、次の策として、オフィスのようなあなたの人生の本当の場所の写真を見て、それをプリントアウトするのです。見ることができるものすべてを描画することです。画像や辞書の助けを借りて英語でラベルを付けます。 駅のような日常を通過する場所で同じことをすることができます。何度も何度も同じことが表示されますので、本当にそれらの単語を学ぶためには簡単なはずです。

東工大 Raul

Please keep a diary in English. This is a popular method of making sure you use English everyday for people who don't often speak English and can't think of things to write about. The fact that you are writing about real things that have happened to you means that any words you look up in the dictionary will be vocabulary that is useful for you and easy to learn.

英語で日記をつけて下さい 。 これは、頻繁に英語を話さず、何を書いたらいいのかわからない人々にとって、英語を日常的に使用する一般的な方法です。 あなたに起こった本当のことについて書いているということは、辞書で調べている単語は、あなたに役立つしかも学習することがかんたんな語彙になることを意味します。


九州大学 Yousef

Please listen to the radio news in English. You can make this easier by reading the news in English first, or even just by reading or listening to the news in your own language.

英語でラジオのニュースを聞いて下さい 。まず英語で新聞を読み、また 自分の言語でニュースを読んだり聞いたりするだけでも、ラジオのニュースを簡単に聞き取ることができます。

学習院女子大学 Angela

Try online chat. The closest thing to speaking for people who don't have the chance to speak English is online chat, as you have to think and respond quickly, and the language is short and informal just like speech.

オンラインチャットを試してください 。 英語を話す機会がない人にとって、話すことに近いものはオンラインチャットで、考えて迅速に応答しなければなりませんし、ことばは短く、スピーチのようにあらたまっていないからです。


神戸在住 Sheik

Please try to write fiction in English, e.g. short stories. For people who find writing a diary about things that happen to them everyday boring, the best thing is to let your imagination go and write about whatever comes into your head. The advantage of this is that if you can't think of how to say something in English, you can just change the story to something that is easier to explain. Perhaps the easiest way to start writing fiction in English is with a diary, changing any details you like to make it more interesting and adding more and more fantasy as the weeks go on.

短編小説などフィクションを英語で書いてみて下さい 。 日常に起こる退屈なことについて日記を書いている人々にとって、最善のことは、想像をふくらませることと、頭に入って来るどんなことについても書くようにすることです。 この利点は、英語で言うことができない場合、説明しやすいようにあなたがストーリーを変更できるということです。 おそらく、英語で小説を書き始めるために最も簡単な方法は、より面白くするためにあなたが好きな細部を変更し、数週間先に進めば、より多くのファンタジーを追加しながら書く日記です。

一ツ橋大学 Patricia

Please read an English language newspaper. Freebie newspapers like "Metro" in London are usually the easiest to understand, followed by mid-brow titles like "The Daily Express" or "The Daily Mail" in English. Popular newspapers like "The Sun" are more difficult because of the idiomatic, slangy use of language and the number of jokes in the headlines and articles.

英字新聞をお読みください 。 ロンドンの"メトロ"のような無料の日刊紙は、"デイリーエクスプレス"や"デイリーメール"のように中級程度のタイトルで、理解することが最も簡単です。 "The Sun" のような人気の新聞は、慣用的な俗語、見出しや記事中のジョークの多用で、理解するのはより困難です。


一ツ橋大学 Madren

Please learn a famous speech or poem in English by heart. Although you may never hear or get the chance to say exactly that line, having one memorable example of English grammatical form in your head can make it much easier to learn other examples of the same grammar as you hear them. It is also something you can practice over and over without being as boring as grammatical drills.

有名な英語のスピーチや詩を暗記してください 。 聞いたことがなくても、また正確にその文を言う機会がなくても、頭の中で英語の文法形式の例をひとつ持つことは、あなたが聞く文法の同じような例を簡単に学ぶことができます。 また、文法ドリルのように退屈することなく何度も練習できるものです。

横浜国大 Daniela

Please watch English language exercise videos . This is quite similar to how babies learn, by listening, watching and copying. It is also good for your health!

英語の練習のビデオを見てください。 これは、聞いて、見て、真似をする赤ちゃんの学習方法ととても似ています。 あなたの健康にも良いですよ!


京都大学 Ohtsuki

Please learn some spelling rules. Many people think that English spelling is random, but in fact most words follow some kind of rule, eg the "magic E" that changes the pronunciation of "mad" and "made".

スペルの規則を学んでください 。 多くの人は英語のスペルがランダムだと思っていますが、実際にはほとんどの単語が、例えば"気違い"や"作った"の発音を変える"魔法のE"などいくつかのルールに従っています。

京都大学 Hassan

please record your own voice . For people who don't have much or any correction of pronunciation from a teacher, recording yourself and listening back makes it easier to hear whether you are really making the English sounds that you are trying to or not.

あなた自身の声を録音してください 。 先生から発音の修正をあまりされていない人々のために、あなたの声を録音し、再生することで、英語の音をあなたが本当に努力して発音したり、していないかどうかを簡単に聞くことができます。


京都大学 Takeshi Hoyos

Please learn as many words as you can of one category, e.g. animal words. Learning similar words together can both expand your overall vocabulary and make them easier to learn by forming links between the words in your brain.

1つのカテゴリ、例えば動物の単語からできるだけ多くの言葉を学んでください 。 同じような言葉を一緒に学習することで、全体的な語彙を展開し、脳内の単語間のリンクを作ることによってやさしく学ぶことができます。

京都大学 Hussein

Please take holidays abroad . This is not only a good opportunity to speak English in situations where you really have to make yourself understood in order to live, but it is also a good motivator to study English seriously in the weeks and months before your trip. If possible, also try to use English even when you could use your own language, e.g. when you pick a guided tour of a museum or historic place or when you book a flight on the internet, and try to avoid package tours.

海外で休暇を取ってください 。 これは、自分が生活するために理解をしなければならない状況で英語を話す本当に良い機会だけでなく、旅行の前に数週間、数ヶ月で英語を真剣に勉強する良い動機付けになります。 可能なら、たとえば、美術館や歴史的な場所のガイド付きツアーを選んで、自分自身の言語を使える場合でも、英語を使うようにしてください。または、インターネットでフライトを予約し、パッケージツアーを避けてみてください。


東京大学 Codypainter

Find a foreign boyfriend or girlfriend. No tips on how to do this here, but everyone agrees that getting or even just looking for a date in English can be a great motivator to improve your language skills.

僕はアメリカ人ですが、外国人の恋人がいる友人は語学力を伸ばしています。外国のボーイフレンドやガールフレンドを見つける 。 これを行う方法についてのコツはありませんが、恋人を見つけたり、英会話でデートを探していると、あなたの語学力を向上させる大きな動機となることに、誰でも同意します。

交換留学 Andrew

Draw pictures of the English words you want to learn, especially if you are artistic, this can be a better way of learning vocabulary than writing translations or example sentences.

学習したい英単語の絵を描きましょう。 あなたが芸術的であるなら特に、これは翻訳や例文を書くよりも語彙の学習のよりよい方法ですよ。


学習院大学 Robin

Arrange a conversation exchange. Swapping lessons and conversation with someone who wants to learn your language can be a good alternative for both of you.


大阪大学 Reicel

Try to take an English language exam even if you don't need to take an exam and don't want to or can't take a special course to study for it, paying to take an exam like TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS or FCE can really motivate you take your English studies seriously.

英語の試験にトライしてみてください 。 あなたが受験をしたくなかったり、かりに不要であっても、また試験を受けるために支払うことや、そのために勉強する特別なコースを取ることができない場合であっても、TOEFL、TOEIC、IELTSやFCEは本当に英語を真剣に勉強する動機付けができると思いますよ。


京都大学 Raul

Please use an English-English dictionary . Trying to use a bilingual dictionary less and switching to a monolingual one can help you to stop translating in your head when you are speaking or listening, and other useful English vocabulary can come up while you are using the dictionary.

英英辞書を使用してください 。 対訳辞書をできるだけ使わないで、ひとつの言語に切り替えることで、あなたが英語を話したり聞いているときに頭の中で翻訳をやめることができますし、辞書を使っているうちに他の役立つ英語語彙が出てくることありますよ。がんばって英英辞書を使いましょう。

大阪大学 Gerenčer

Model your accent on one particular actor. e.g. try to speak like Robert De Niro. Students who say they want to sound more like a native speaker have the problem that native speakers don't sound all that much like each other. Choosing one model can make the task of improving your pronunciation more clear, and is quite fun. Doing an impression of that person also makes a good party trick.

特定の俳優のアクセントをモデルにします。 例えば、ロバートデニーロのように話すようにしてみてください 。 ネイティブスピーカーのように発音したいと言う学生は、ネイティブスピーカ

ーが同じように発音しないという問題をかかえます。 一つのモデルを選択すると、発音を改善するタスクをより明確に、そして非常に楽しんでできます。 しかも、その人のまねをするのは、パーティでの作戦にもなりますよ。


横浜国大 Giuseppi

Please go to an English pub . As well as having a menu in English and being a good way of finding out something about the culture of English speaking countries, you might also find there are free English language listings magazines, English language sports on the TV and/ or foreign people you can speak to.


京都大学 Ishitiak

Please talk to or e-mail your friends in English .

Many people find this a bit false or embarrassing, but if you think of it as a study club and set a particular time and/ or place, it is no different from studying maths together.

英語で友達と話したりメールして下さい 。 多くの人々は、これを間違っているとか恥ずかしいことだと感じると思いますが、それを特別の時間や場所と設定した勉強のクラブと考えると、一緒に数学を学ぶことと違いはありません。


東京大学 Natalya

Please set your goals. Deciding how many hours you want to study, how many words you want to learn or what score you want to get in a test are all good ways of making sure you do extra study.


一ツ橋大学 Maria

Switch operating system to English. Changing the operating language of your mobile phone, video recorder etc. to English can be an easy way of making sure you use the language everyday.

機器の言語を英語に切り替えましょう。携帯電話やビデオレコーダーなどの言語を英語に切り替えてください 。これは、毎日その言語を使う簡単な方法です。すぐにやってみて下さい。


福岡在住 Grace

Please use a speaking electronic English dictionary . Although most electronic dictionaries are not as good as paper ones for the amount of information they give you about each word, some of them have the very useful function of saying the word with the correct pronunciation.

英語を話す電子辞書を使って下さい 。 ほとんどの電子辞書は、それぞれの単語についての情報量が紙のものほど良くはないですが、正しい発音で単語を発音するにはとても有用な機能を持っています。ぜひ役立ててください。

学習院大学 Cristina

Learn your electronic English dictionary vocabulary list. Most electronic dictionaries also have a button which you can push to see the last 30 or more words you looked up. By deleting words you decide are useless or you have already learnt from this list, you can use it as a "to do list" of words to learn that you can look at several times a day in the train etc.

英語電子辞書の語彙リストを学習してください 。 ほとんどの電子辞書はまた、最後の30以上の単語を表示するためにプッシュできるボタンがあります。 不要だと判断した単語や、すでに学習した単語をこのリストから削除することによって、電車などで一日に数回見ることができ、言葉の"やることリスト"として使うことができますよ。


早稲田大学 Nadav

I think the first thing one should put emphasis on when trying to speak English is practicing conversation

whenever and wherever possible. It should be easier to begin with talking about your interests and other issues close to your heart. In my opinion, practicing speaking, even if the conversation is not yet accurate grammatically, is the best way to acquire self confidence in the language. And through that one can make a solid foundation for future learning of grammar and vocabulary.

英会話を話せるようになるために、まず、可能ならいつでもどこでも英語で話してみることが大切だと思います。はじめのうちは自分が興味を持っていることについて話すのが、英会話の上達につながります。 たとえ文法を間違えたとしても、英語を話すことに自信を持つ方法が一番よいと思います。そうすれば、次第にたくさんの文法と言葉を身につけることができます。

九州大学 Julia

Learning a language is not only about learning it in books, it's mostly interacting with people. I used to study a lot with books at the University but I progressed dramatically when I started to work with a British guy. The words and expressions you have just learned, you need to use it actually with somebody to experience it with your body Japanese know well about it, this is 体験. Once you've used that words, it's your own, and you will not forget it easily I used to study a lot with books at the University but I progressed dramatically when I started to work with a British guy. I am talking only about my own experience, but I wish it could help you to become bilingual. Let's fight together!

外国語を学ぶことは 外国語を教科書で学ぶことだけではなく、人と交換することでもあります。私も昔はよく教科書で勉強していたんですがやっぱり劇的に上達した時はイギリス人と一緒に働いたときです。習ったところの言葉と表現は誰かと使ってみて体で覚えましょう。日本人もよく知ってる「体験」のことです。英語では体験も経験もexperienceですので日本人の方が深く理解しています。習った言葉を実際に使ってしまえば、自分のものになり、忘れにくくなります。私の体験の話ばかりなんですがあなたも2言語が話せるようにお役に立てればと思います。では一緒にファイト!


名古屋大学 Panadda

First of all, you should not be afraid of learning English. English grammar is not similar to Japanese grammar but it is not too difficult to understand. What make you have more fun learning English is vocabulary. If you know more words, you can make variety of interesting sentences. Apart from that if you want to practice English in entertaining ways, you can watch movie, listening to music or reading book. Moreover, doing exercise will help you develop your English learning skill tremendously. Therefore, I recommend you to do exercise as much as you can but do not be stressful if you make the wrong answer because you still can learn from your mistake. Believe that English is fun and you have potential to reach your goal will allow you to learn happily.

まず、英語を勉強することを怖がらないでください。 英語の文法と日本語の文法はあまり似ていませんが、そんなに難しくないです。何が楽しい?「単語」を覚えることです。単語をたくさん知っていれば、いろいろな文が作れます。それに、面白い練習もあります。英語の映画と歌と本から勉強できます。練習することで、英語の能力をかなり向上させることができます。ですから、たくさん練習したほうがいいです。間違えても、心配しないでください。間違ったことからも勉強できます。英語は楽しい、私は必ずできると信じていれば、英語を楽しく勉強できます。

慶応大学 Borislava

From my experience just studying vocabulary and grammar does not give you an idea about the language. I recommend watching English movies without subtitles, reading books in English because that gives an idea about the language that is actually used; improves comprehension skills and also helps with grasping the pronunciation. Of course speaking in English is imperative. I think that in English (or in any other language classroom) speaking in any other language should be encouraged.


私は、英会話を(あるいは他の言語教室で) 話すことは促進されるべきと思います。


九州大学 Maria

To learn a language we need constant effort and one of the most important things is to maintain oral exercise (to speak fluently). Isshoni eigo no benkyou de gambarimashou!

言語を学習するためには、一定の努力が必要で、特に最も重要なものの1つは英会話を話す練習を維持することです。 一緒に英語の勉強でがんばりましょう!

大阪在住 Jelelna

The most important thing for studying English is practice. You have to spend at least 10 minutes practicing English. Practice can include speaking, listening, reading or writing. For speaking: foreign friend or a teacher. For listening: music, movie, you tube videos etc… For reading: short articles, newspapers, lyrics of songs, novels… For writing: short sentences or diary.

英語の勉強に一番大事なのは練習です。毎日少なくとも10分くらい英会話の練習をしなければならないです。 練習には話すこと、リスニング、読書、書くことが含まれています。

話すこと: 外国人の友達か先生と。


読書: 短い記事、新聞、曲の言葉、小説とか。

書くこと: 短い文書か日記。


九州大学 Sebastian

Learning is a skill and it can be improved. Your path to learning effectively is through knowing yourself, your capacity to learn, processes you have successfully used in the past, your interest, and knowledge of what you wish to learn.

学習はスキルです。また、それは改善され得ます。 有効に英会話を学ぶことへのあなたのパスは、以下のことを知ることです。 あなた自身を知る、学習するあなたのキャパシティーを知る、過去に成功したプロセスを知る、あなたの関心や学びたい知識を知ることです。

大阪大学 Iriann

Motivate yourself! If you are not motivated to learn English you will become frustrated and give up. Ask yourself the following questions, and be honest:-

• Why do you need to learn/improve English?

• Where will you need to use English?

• What skills do you need to learn/improve? (Reading/Writing/Listening/Speaking)

• How soon do you need to see results?

• How much time can you afford to devote to learning English.

• How much money can you afford to devote to learning English.

• Do you have a plan or learning strategy?

You know how much time you can dedicate to learning English, but a short time each day will produce better, longer-term results than a full day on the weekend and then nothing for two weeks.

あなた自身に動機を与えてください! 英会話を学習するように動機づけられなければ、挫折し降参するでしょう。









あなたは、英語の学習にどれだけの時間を供することができるか知っています。 しかし、毎日少しずつでも続けることのほうが、週末に終日勉強して次の2週間何もしないより、長期的な良い結果を生むでしょう。


横浜国大 Ioana

Travel to an English speaking country:- England, America, Australia, Canada, South Africa. Special holidays are available to improve your English. Take an English speaking tour or activity holiday.

英語を話す国-イングランド、アメリカ、オーストラリア、カナダ、南アフリカに旅行してください。特別な休日はあなたの英語を上達させるのに利用可能です。 英語を話すツアーに参加するか活動的な休暇を過ごしてください。

横浜国大 Rutsey

Do you need to see your teacher during lessons in order to fully understand the content of a lesson? Do you prefer to sit at the front of the classroom to avoid visual obstructions (e.g. people's heads)? Do you think in pictures and learn best from visual displays including: diagrams, illustrated text books, overhead transparencies, videos, flipcharts and hand-outs? During a lecture or classroom discussion, do you prefer to take detailed notes to absorb the information? You may benefit from taking part in traditional English lessons, but maybe private lessons would be better.

完全にレッスンの内容を理解するためにレッスン中に教師に会う必要がありますか。 教室の前方に座ることが視覚的な障害物(例えば人々の頭)を避けるよりいいですか? 写真や、絵入りの教科書、ビデオ、フリップチャートなどの画像表示図形などから学習することが最良だと思いますか? 講義または教室の議論中に、情報を吸収する詳細なノートをとることを好みますか?確かに従来の英会話のレッスンに参加することから利益を得るかもしれません。しかし、恐らく個人の英会話レッスンの方がよいでしょう。


横浜国大 Nick

My most important piece of advice is: "Do something (anything). If you don't do anything, you won't get anywhere. Make it your hobby, not a chore, but above all have fun!" Don't be in too much of a hurry. You're setting off on a long journey and there'll be delays and frustrations along the way. Sometimes you'll be in the fast lane and other times you'll be stuck in traffic, but there will also be lots of interesting things and interesting people along the way. Take your time to really enjoy the experience. There are many ways to improve your level of English, but only you can find the right way for you.




大阪大学 Adrian

Spend your time on things that interest you. If you like cooking then buy an English-language cookbook or find recipes on the net and practice following the recipes. You'll soon know if you have made a mistake! Keep something English on you (book, newspaper or magazine, cd or cassette, set of flashcards) all day and every day, you never know when you might have 5 spare minutes. If you are too tired to actively practice just relax and listen to an English pop song or talk radio station.



シドニー大学 Eri

Relate English grammar to practical usage. Grammar by itself does not help you! USE English!You should practice what you are learning by employing it actively.


YMCA Janine

When you learn English, move your mouth! Understanding something doesn't mean the muscles of your mouth can produce the sounds. Practice speaking what you are learning aloud. It may seem strange, but it is very effective.

英会話の学習では、口を動かしてください! 何か理解すると口の筋肉が音を出すという意味ではないのです。あなたが声を出して学習していることを話す練習して下さい。それは奇妙に見えるかもしれませんが、とても効果的です。


横浜国大 Corina

Hello, I like friendly environment and I consider teaching and learning a good way to make friends. I care about my students and I will do my best to make them feel well. I am open-minded and I accept critics, trying to improve my teaching methods. I like playing games and talking freely about any kind of subjects. Let's have fun!!

こんにちは!! 私は親しみのある環境が好きで、友達を作るのによい英会話の学習方法を考慮します。学生のことを考えて、気分よくしてもらうために最善を尽くします。私は偏見がなく、批評を受け入れ必要なら指導方法を改善するよう努力します。ゲームも好きですし、どんな話題についても自由に話すことが好きです。みなさん、楽しんで勉強しましょう!

東京大学 Souhail

I am Serious but smiling character, with good pedagogic skills especially with children. I like sports (tennis, swimming, soccer) and music. I have a great interest in cultural communication and interconnection.



東北大学 Hanieh

I am a very fun, determined, friendly, person who loves to meet and interact with new people. I also dedicate a lot of effort to the responsibilities I undertake. I have had the lovely experience of living in a number of different countries and what has helped me in easily making friends with people from different countries. So if you want to have real fun learning English and feel the improved difference in your fluency and understanding of this language when don't hesitate to contact me.


Indiana大学 Jeffrey


Please say in English what you did today, and write it, before going to bed. Your English will improve a lot!!


神戸在住 Elizabeth

Hi…! English is a fun language to learn and speak!! Don't be afraid to make mistakes! Even when you're not 100% sure, try using the English you DO know! You'll be surprised how much you are understood!!! Briefly put, Don't be SHY!!!

英語をマスターするために (楽しみたいだけって言う方も同じ!)大切なポイントは、考えすぎないこと!!知っている英語をどんどん使って見ましょう! 間違っていてもok! 自信を持って、頑張って下さい!!!

東京大学 Florin

I am a very flexible and easy going person, and usually people feel good around me. I am dedicated to my work and preparing my classes very serious. In the class, while studying, I like to create a constructive environment, in order to avoid the fatigue and the lack of interest in students. I can explain in Japanese if needed.



九州大学 Faye

Read English books and watch English films that you like. It is very motivating and can teach you a lot.


女子美大 Allyson

When we learn a new language we can experience a new world, so let's do our best to learn and share.



神戸大学 Olga

To succeed in learning a foreign language it's really important to feel it as something close to you, something possible to be acquired. As a practice, that can help you get this feeling of closeness to the language, I'd like to recommend as an everyday practice, to translate your thoughts or what happened with you during the day in English. And if possible, speak it out aloud as well. Experience of expressing yourself in English, an effort to let the foreign language in your everyday life, will help you to learn it more efficiently.


神戸大学 Oana

To learn a language we need constant effort and one of the most important things is to maintain oral exercise to speak fluently.



早稲田大学 Franziska

As long as I've been in Japan I hear the same phrase over and over again: "Sorry! No English." But as soon as you get into a real conversation and you forget about how to present yourself and possible embarrassment, it's getting easier. So most of the Japanese I met, could actually

speak quite well after a while. So my recommendation for beginners, as well as advanced students is: Trust in yourself.

日本へ来たら何回も同じ経験をしました。日本人と話したい時に、皆「Sorry! No English.」と答えます。しかしそれでも話すと大体分かります。だから私のアドヴァイスは「皆さん自分の能力を信じて下さい.」

早稲田大学 Yan ling

Speak and listen to English as much as possible, such as watching dramas, talking to English-speaking foreigners, speaking to yourself etc.




Please don’t hesitate. Say whatever you want to say without thinking of the best grammar. You will learn correct grammar with time and practice. The first and the most important thing is to start speaking.



九州大学 Hosam

The ability to fluently speak the English language in addition to your native language can be beneficial if you're seeking job opportunities with international companies. Do your best!!



大阪大学 Grace

I think it is all about listening to more English. Even if it is just watching English dramas and reading Japanese subtitles, it will help a lot overtime.


Hunter大学 Melissa

Don't be afraid of embarrassing yourself. It may seem hard, but it is okay to embarrass yourself, so long as you are trying. I've embarrassed myself plenty of times learning Japanese and honestly, I've learned more through my mistakes. Also, try to immerse yourself in as many English settings as possible… watch movies in English or go to a place with lots of English speaking people. Have confidence too, confidence can take you a long way. Last but not least, smile and HAVE FUN! Learning a new language can be lots of fun!

自分が恥ずかしいのを恐れてはいけません。それは難しいかもしれませんが、自分に恥をかかせても大丈夫です。あなたは過ちから学びますし、また、できるだけ多くの英語に没頭してみてください。私は日本語を勉強する時何回も自分で当惑しました、そして、正直にいうと、私の誤りでもう少し学びました。新しい言語を学ぶのは、多くの楽しみであるかもしれませんよ! 楽しんで下さい。


大阪外国語大学 Nadya

I think it's very important not to be afraid to make a mistake when you start speaking foreign language. It takes an effort to over come this psychological barrier and it is an important step of learning. I also think that when somebody is learning a foreign language, it is important to learn some things (even big pieces of text) by heart. Especially in the beginning. It helped me when I was learning both English and Japanese and I think that a lot of Japanese students underestimate the importance of this method.



Japanese people should have more confidence in speaking English. They should not be scared of making mistakes whne being asked to speak in English.



大阪大学 Liga

I think it's more productive to study together with your private teacher than in a group, because you have more possibilities to speak and don't have to worry about the mistakes that you might make and where to get the courage to speak in front on other people. i also think that listening to radio in English, like BBC, and listening to foreign music in English helps to improve the listening skills and to build up a vocabulary. As for building a vocabulary, writing a diary is also a good option.


京都大学 Boryana

I would like to say that as a foreigner and not being an English native speaker, I understand the difficulties of learning another languages, difficulties that I had to handle when I started studying and the best advice that I could give is that you should practice as much as possible because there is no point of memorizing a lot of words and grammar if you don't use them. You have to try to talk and communicate through English as much as possible, no matter that you feel shy or you are worried that you are going to make a mistake, but really that's not important cause the beginning is always hard but the more you practice, the less you will make mistakes. I would like to wish good luck to everybody and to tell them never give up!!



京都大学 Ester

When talking people in English, there are special rules and ways of proceeding with a conversation. Have fun learning the techniques of English conversation through anything you like. Movies, books or even a song with English lyric can help you to improve your knowledge.


東北大学 Felipe

Don't be shy when you trying to speak in English. Most of the people are a bit afraid of making mistakes, and that is perfectly normal, but we shouldn't be that afraid. We have to make mistakes to be able to learn. I believe that this is the most reliable way of learning.



千葉大学 Oana

One big mistake I couldn't help to notice is what I call the "katakana go" problem. Whenever you have the chance to talk to a foreigner in English, just go for it! It's fun and it's worth. Most of the Japanese students feel the need to write down the reading of the English words in Katakana, that way altering their original pronunciation. That custom makes them unable to pronounce the words properly.

英語を勉強するときに日本の人はいつもカタカナを使います。実はこのような言葉の発音が間違いだと思います。 しかし、先生たちと一緒に一生懸命に発音の練習をしたら、この問題が直るかもしれません。さらに、もし外国人と英会話を話したら楽しいし、良い練習になると思います。がんっばて下さい!!

東京大学 Adriana


Even if you attend English classes only once a week, you'd better practice for 30 minutes or 1 hour by yourself every day. Although such daily practice does not require much time, it is very helpful.


大阪外国語大学 Maria

There is a proverb in English which says "It takes two to tango". Tango will never be good if even one of the partners doesn't try his or her best. I think very often that this proverb is about learning for language. Teacher and student are also kind of tango partners. And if you want to speak foreign language, you should never forget that 50% of your success is in your teacher's hand but other 50% lies in your own hard work. So the better you try the better the tango going to be.


東京芸大 Klaudia

The best way to learn English is to try to practice your English whenever you have a chance. Trying to speaking is the best way of improving your English even if you are shy or embarrassed about your abilities.




What is most important when you studying English is being patient and persevering. You should also be led by the pure desire "to get in touch" with the language, you shouldn't mechanically memorize the grammar constructions but try to find the logic and the feeling behind it all. Work hard and enjoy the rewards!!!


一ツ橋大学 Dipal

Do not fear English. If you feel every word and make it your own, you will surely be able converse in English.



名古屋大学 Daniel

Well, learning English might be a challenge but as long as you work hard or study hard, it is not impossible. You will be good in no time. Keep using it as everyday conversation, that would help a lot. Also try to watch English films, it can help a lot in your English comprehension.


シドニー工業大学 Stefanie

Even though English is a difficult language to learn, it is fun, practical and very useful in today's society. With practice, English conversation can be mastered.




九州大学 Ilic

Although learning English as a Japanese might been hard at times, in a world facing internationalization and blurring of national borders, it is necessary. Also, as a foreign language student, I can say that being able to talk with people from everywhere around the globe is wonderful. It is worth the effort.


和歌山大学 Hakeem

English is very easy, but you need regular practice especially in daily conversation.



名古屋大学 Maria

English is very different from Japanese, but there are many little points which can help you on your way to master it. This is what a teacher can do for you - to show you those little points and lead you on your way by knowing where your main difficulties are.


大阪大学 Daniel

Learning a foreign language is not easy, but it is far from being impossible. In fact, it is available to anyone willing to spend some time and effort. Not even in England people are born knowing English; they have to learn it! So, if you face difficulties in the process, just take a deep breath and think: the bigger the challenge, the greater the reward!



東京大学 Elena

Learning English should not be a struggle with yourself on the world, but an amazing daily discovery of something new, in edit and useful! It takes two to tango, also in English lessons. Let's work harder!



京都大学 Nina

From my experience, it seems that many Japanese believe that English is too difficult for them to master. They underestimate their own skill, and are too shy to practice what they have learnt. This is the crucial mistake. If you want to improve your ability in a foreign language, the best thing to do is to use it as much as you can. Stop worrying about making mistakes! Talk to others who know English, write letters to a pen-friend, listen to English music if you can. I believe that the keys to improvement are exposure and usage. In Japan, it is hard to find opportunities to talk with people in English. This is why TECC English conversation clubs can be invaluable.



横浜国大 Dafinka

Studying English may seem difficult and time taking process, but if you think of the opportunities that opens in front of you, you will understand that studying is a very perspective choice. Knowing English means communicating with people from different countries, having more interesting job, making new friends, etc. What more important is that it also gives you a chance to gain more information in any area of interest than you speak only your native language. Therefore, whenever you have difficulties, think of all the merits you gain from knowing English, try harder once again and you will be successful.


名古屋大学 Kirill

About your good points, character etc.

It is difficult and not really modest to praise your so called good points, but I can say that usually I don't have problems with going along with people. I'm quite aware of Japanese customs and trying hard to understand Japanese way of thinking (it is very difficult, I must say!) What else good temper good sense of humor, I suppose good, so called 常識 level. And one more thing, if I do such, I like to do it as professionally as possible.


横浜国大 Razvan

As for my good points, character; I am very open-minded to anything which involves teaching and interacting people. Let's enjoy learning English.


名古屋大学 Nirmal

As for my good points, character; I am very social and like to mix and make friends with people whether it be children or adults. I am optimistic and have a quite cheerful character, very good at making people interested in me and make them feel free to talk about anything they like. I am very adjustable to the environment I'm working with. I am very equally good in working with children and adults. Please join us!!



学習院大学 Tom

The most important thing about English conversation is not to worry about making mistakes. Try and use the sentence patterns you have learnt and test them out on native English speakers. Everybody makes mistakes but when you are corrected, you will learn from them. Second, if you do not understand what somebody says, do not be afraid to ask them to explain what they mean in a simpler way. By doing this, you can learn new things and will not feel confused. Good luck!!


横浜国大 Rita

Well, the first thing is that you should try to think in English and use the language as much as possible. Also, you should try to relax and find the things you like in English. You can connect your hobbies with studying! I'm sure that you will meet many difficulties with studying a foreign language, but never give up!!



東大 Klara

I know very well how difficult learning a foreign language is. I have experienced exactly the same the first time I started studying English. But later I discovered how interesting and rewarding this can be, as I started to make new English speaking friends and be able to make myself understood while traveling abroad. I think studying English can be a very exciting experience, so please do your best and let's have fun studying English together!


東大 Catalin

In order to be able to speak English, it is important that you try to speak it outside the classroom even to yourself. Trying to think in English helps as well.



横浜大学留学生家族 Jenny

I suggest that the Japanese people should start speaking English after then just learning how to read and write. They should try to make conversations between each other. I also think that it would be a good idea that on T.V. they shouldn't translate the English movies to Japanese. They should keep them in English so that the Japanese people could listen to the way the English people speak. I also suggest that they should have many English cartoons on T.V. so that both the children and parents could listen and learn. It would be easier for the children to learn a second language by watching cartoons, because they learn faster than the other people. It would also be a good idea for the parents to watch cartoons because in the cartoons they speak a little slower so it would be easier for them to understand.


東京大学 Luciana

Learning a foreign language is not a simple thing, but it is definitely not impossible. If you practice every day for ten minutes, your English level will improve for sure. However, you must enjoy the exercise and that is why you should chose a field you are interested in and then try to listen to and read news from that particular field. But most importantly try to talk in English about the things you are interested in. You will see that English is not that difficult after all.



千葉大学 Maria

According to my experience of studying and teaching different languages, the most important and the most difficult part is to speak out and not to be afraid of making mistakes. Speak as much as you can and the language you learn become your second nature. Good luck in studying English, and I can help you to do that.


東京大学 Batsuren

僕はBritish Councilの先生コースを卒業し、外国語としての学習経験がありながら、英語の能力が母語のレベルなので、語学の効率的なやり方と実際に使われている自然な英語を教えることができます。また、私は好奇心が強く、視野が広いのでいろいろな話題で話すことができると思っています。みなさん、がんばりましょう!!


千葉大学 Jedida

To master English- or any other language- it is important to regularly expose yourself to situations where the language is used, easy conversation with native speakers, television or radio programs in English, English books, magazines, newspapers and so on. It is also a very good idea to speak out, practice your conversation, no matter how often you may make mistakes. In this way, you will be confident enough to speak naturally, and in the process increase your vocabulary.


東京医科歯科大学 Savita

I think it is important to speak a lot, when you learning a language. Even you make mistakes, just try to speak as much as you can. By the time, you will recognize your mistakes and will be able to correct them. Also, trying to think in English is very effective!



九州大学 Nasar

English is not so hard. Try to speak in English, don't be shy, don't hesitate, have fun, enjoy practicing!


九州大学 Samar

Learning a foreign language does require hard-work and dedication, but more important thing is to enjoy it.



九州大学留学生家族 Tasha

Just be yourself and have fun with English! 英会話を楽しんで下さい!

東京医科歯科大学 Gabriela

The advice is very much dependent on many factors such as the student's levels (English and age), learning preference, their purposes in learning English and so on. In general, I will say such words as "Good. You have improved a lots. Keep on using the English expression that we have learnt. Don't be afraid of making mistakes because making mistakes is part of the learning process. In the meantime, you just need to pay a little more attention to the use of SHE and HE while speaking ". I believe that every student needs encouragement as well as challenges and input to work on.





九州大学 Sandy

learning English is not so difficult that many people thought. However, in the beginning of study, some students may don't have self confidence to practice what they have learned so far. As they start practicing their skill, they will find how interesting and useful English is in daily life activity. As they start feeling interest in English, then will study English, will also increase at this point, they shouldn't stop otherwise they will lose what they have studied so far. The idea is very simple, we can not stop trying to achieve something. In order to do that we have to make it as enjoyable as possible.


東京大学 Amy

English is easier to learn than Japanese. It is only a matter of practice through communication.



京都大学 Gerard

I am patient in teaching students of various levels of learning abilities. I am also good at varying my teaching style in order to adopt to the needs of my students.


東京文化大学 Cristina

Not to be shy and practice the language you want to learn. From my experience, Japanese people have a good level of English language but are very shy to speak it. Ganbatte kudasai!



名古屋大学 Devendra

One can not learn a language just by mastering books on how to speak it or what is the grammar behind it, but by speaking it from the experience that I have from my Japanese friends, I came to know that they are shy to speak in English because they are afraid to make mistakes. So, in my opinion, it's the barrier of shyness that one has to cross and then feel free to make mistakes.


大阪大学 Miron

Let's enjoy talking! I'm friendly, enthusiastic, supportive, can adopt to, any situations, speak Japanese if necessary in the class.




広島大学 Ilia

私は明るい性格で、誰とでもすぐなれる人間です。 ギターもできますので、授業のとき、みんなで英語の歌を歌うことが可能です。英語は楽しみながら学ぶのが一番です!

I am cheerful and out going. Also, as I play guitar, it is possible to sing English songs together during the lesson. Having fun is the best way of learning English!

九工大 Zilia

私の経験から英会話がうまくできるためには不可欠なものが三つあります; がんばること、忍耐、あとは練習です。しかし、最初に必要なことは、英会話を話そうとする努力と気持ちです。だから、一緒に努力して英会話を話しましょう!

From my experience, three things are essential in order to be able to speak English; patience, hard work and practice. But before all that you need to try and to want to speak English. So, let's make the effort together and try to speak English!


東京外大 Ouel

Learning English is not difficult. Don't be shy, speak even if you make mistakes. We learn from our mistakes. Don't give up, there is nothing impossible for human beings.


福岡ELT Shazmina

English is not a subject but it is a tool for understanding better the culture of other nations.

